Immersive Reads By Incredible Medium Writers You Should Read Later

Or right now—But only if you have the time to be lost entirely

Jessie Waddell
3 min readNov 14, 2021
Image by Negative Space on Pexels

A long-awaited holiday has meant writing has been forced onto the backburner for me. Luckily, reading hasn’t. I don’t need my Macbook and a decent internet connection for that, at least.

As much as I’ve been itching to get fingers to keyboard, as with most changes in routine, the break has been a godsend.

I’ve been reflecting a lot on my journey as a writer. I didn’t really know what to expect from any of it. But the most pleasant and unexpected surprise of all has to be the wonderful writers I’ve discovered along the way. And in an even more unexpected turn of events, I’m now lucky enough to call some of them my friends.

My head tends to become a bit of an empty space when I go away. The voices aren’t nattering about demanding I tell their stories. That’s what landed me here, now, writing this article encouraging you to go and read other writers stories. Because that has been my escape this last week, into their beautifully crafted worlds detailed by exquisite wordsmanship.

These stories aren’t to be skimmed over in a rush. No, these are to be saved for when you finally find a quiet moment to yourself where you can be…



Jessie Waddell

Keeping it weird. I have too many thoughts so I write to clear some headspace. I rant, rave, ramble and occasionally make things up.