Pull It Out, Turn It Up, What’s Your Favourite Song?

You’ll know me better after listening to these five songs

Jessie Waddell
5 min readJan 6, 2022
Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

This month, the ever-challenging (in the very best way), Pierce McIntyre asks us— What are the songs and movies that define us?

In case that wasn’t a difficult enough task, he asks us to limit it to five, that’s right, five songs or films that would help people to get to know us better. To be fair, he’s totally flexible and it can be more than five, but I’m a stickler for the rules and if I just let loose willy nilly you’d end up with a playlist of 100 ‘defining’ songs because I’m indecisive and long-winded in the absence of parameters.

So, five it is. Songs, not movies, I’m more of a muso than a film buff.

The first song on my list inspired the title for this article— Handwritten, The Gaslight Anthem

I love the Gaslight Anthem, they feature in almost every music-related article I write. This isn’t my favourite GA song, but since this is about songs that will help to get to know us better, I couldn’t go past Handwritten.

If you’re a deep thinker, a daydreamer or an escapism addict, then we’ll get along just fine. If you wanna talk music, nostalgia and missed opportunities…



Jessie Waddell

Keeping it weird. I have too many thoughts so I write to clear some headspace. I rant, rave, ramble and occasionally make things up.